
What Are The Best Talking Birds

Various species of avians are renowned for the capacity to duplicate human voices and communicate. Such birds, entitled as “talking birds” have a distinctive skill that has amused people for ages. This article will provide you an overview about what are the best talking birds in the world.

Comparison: What Are The Best Talking Birds

African Grey Parrot

Perhaps the talking parrot par excellence, the African Grey Parrot has earned its fame for valid reasons. They can learn a huge number of words (as many as 1000!), but they also comprehend what they are saying and employ it within its context which leads us to believe that such birds possess some sort of wit. Hence, these pets are not only good talkers but also very smart ones. 

This species is considered the most talking parrot in the world. Visit to get African grey parrots for sale.

Amazon Parrots

Talking parrots frequently include Amazon parrots as one of the common choices available. Amongst them, Blue-Fronted Amazon is the most popular species and it is said that it has a vocabulary with more than 200 words. Their playful and vibrant personalities make these creatures perfect pets for anyone in search of a delightful buddy.

Budgerigar (Budgies)

Do not be deceived by their petite nature because budgies are great talkers! Although they do not have a wide range of vocabulary like larger parrot species do, one can teach them to imitate words and expressions when trained accordingly. In addition, budgies are extremely sociable and thus, make precious pets for a beginner who wants to keep birds.


Cockatoos are identified as the most important animals having peculiar appearance and friendly nature making them crooners of choice among other bird species. The Moluccan Cockatoo is one such example that has developed a language with more than one hundred words. Even though they require an extensive amount of mentorship and nurturing, their capability of imitating human voice is what makes them stand out in any collection that includes other avians.

Eclectus Parrots

On this list, even if the Eclectus parrots are not that popular, they are very smart and good at talking. Hundreds of words have been known to these creatures. Moreover, some of them can also construct simple sentences. These birds are also recognized for their docility thus they make wonderful household pets suitable for families.

Indian Ringneck Parakeet

Another widely recognized option for talking birds is Indian Ringneck Parakeets. Naturally gifted at mimicking, these small parrots possess the ability to learn numerous words and phrases when adequately trained. In addition, they exhibit high levels of sociability and establish strong attachments to their keepers, thus making them wonderful pets.

Parrots For Sales is one of the best places to get talking parrots for sale. If you are interested in buying one you can buy from them.

Tips for Teaching Your Bird to Talk

If you’re interested in having a talking parrot as a pet, here are some tips to help you teach your feathered friend to talk:

  • Start early: When they are young, it’s preferable to begin teaching your bird to talk because they are more likely to acquire new words and sounds.
  • Repeat, repeat, repeat: Repetition is important if you want your bird talk. To learn it well, make them repeat the same sounds as many times as possible until they learn to imitate you.
  • Use positive reinforcement: Whenever a bird talks to him or her, that person needs to give it praise. For instance, when your parrot says “hello” you should give it some seeds if he or she likes them!
  • Be patient: It will take you a lot of time and endurance to teach the bird how to talk just like any form of training program. In case it doesn’t learn quickly, do not lose hope because with more practice it will be understood someday.

Talking Bird Myths and Truths

A number of legends and untruths have surrounded these birds that talk. It is time for us to get rid of some clichéd ideas, and discover the reality concerning them.

Talking Birds Understand What They Say

Whilst avian creatures possess the ability of speech imitation, they lack comprehension of what their words mean. Their sound imitation possibilities are associated with a continuous repetition pattern, rather than understanding.

All Parrots Can Talk

Not all parrots have talking abilities. Though many species can think for one another, they may not be as good at proper human language. Even if trained to do so by their owners, some parrots will never speak a word in their lives.

Talking Birds Are Always Noisy

No doubt talking birds have been accustomed to sound levels that are different. Talking parrots for sale are known for their vocalizations, yet there is variation in the noise they produce. Proper training, socialization and mental stimulation can help in managing such tendencies and ensure a smooth living together with humans..


To sum it up, numerous remarkable bird species possess talking capabilities. The ones listed in this article represent just a fraction of the finest avian conversationalists, with many others showcasing their distinct abilities and temperaments. These parrots serve as ideal additions to any family whether you want a genius friend or just have some fun; thus toilet happens to get yourself one that fits you best and start training it how to speak – you might be astonished at its extraordinary language abilities!


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